Addional Sections: ITS 210 & ITS 280

Due to increased enrollment, additional sections of ITS 210 Network O.S. - Desktop and ITS 280 Computer Repair and Maintenance have been added to the Autumn 2011 schedule.

Missoula 2011 Commuter Challenge

The faculty & staff from the Applied Computing and Electronics Department (ACE) will be competing in their first annual Commuter Challenge during the week of May 1st – 7th. In the face of rising gas costs and concerns of global warming, the Missoula community takes to the sustainable streets every May to prove their ability to get out of their cars and into alternative transportation! This year, ACE will help to promote sustainable practices on campus and across the community by biking and carpooling to the College of Technology. Join the Ace Department in our effort to reduce our carbon footprint and increase awareness!