New Course Offering This Autumn Semester: Energy and Climate

If you are seeking an integrative look into the relationship between technological energy production and its effect on earth's climate, please consider registering for NRGY 291: Energy and Climate.

Energy Technology Student Wins the "Verizon Employee Environmental Excellence Award"

William Stahlman, Energy Technology student, wins the Verizon Employee Environmental Excellence Award in recognition of his 2014 sustainable efforts in the office and in his community. 

Nomination Excerpt:

From the onset of our department, William has spearheaded our group’s green initiative. He proactively sought resources within Verizon to establish a recycling program and procure recycling containers for our office. William has created recycling signs that he has placed in our kitchen area to educate fellow employees on the benefits of recycling and the types of materials that can be recycled. 

His dedication and contribution to the environment extends beyond Verizon. William is a small business owner who operates an outdoor recreational business that allows people to experience the benefits of biking, boating, kayaking, and other outdoor activities. Over the past several years William has also dedicated much of his personal time to pursuing a college degree in renewable energy.

As the supervisor of Verizon’s Video Hub Office in Harrisburg, PA I am extremely appreciative that William has championed our group’s green initiative and brought awareness to recycling, energy savings, and other green initiatives to our employees. It is people like William Stahlman who will work vigorously to ensure our Earth’s natural resources will remain for future generations. I can’t thank him enough for all of his efforts.

Cybersecurity DDoS Student Research

IT student José Antonio Rodríguez Fernández presented results of his research project at the University of Montana Conference on Undergraduate Research (UM-CUR). His presentation entitled Analysis of Recent DDoS Attacks: An Application of Mirkovic and Peng Taxonomies provides a methodology for categorizing DDoS attacks. Jose is an international student from Spain visiting the Applied Computing and Engineering Technology department. Professor Tom Gallagher is serving as Jose's research mentor.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a threat for all companies. Every second that the company is offline, a tremendous amount of money is lost. Since the introduction of the Internet, DDoS attacks have been a common occurrence, yet solutions to counter them have been limited. This research project analyzes the recent DDoS attacks based upon the financial, societal and technical impact. Besides that, the taxonomies of Mirkovic and Peng will be used to classify details of recent DDoS attacks with the goal of identifying common characteristics. Mirkovic's taxonomy analyzes in a very technical depth the DDoS attacks meanwhile Peng's taxonomy is more generic. Both these taxonomies are quoted by several authors although nobody has used them to create a classification of attacks. This research project is useful to individuals interested in developing solutions for computer network and information security since there is no classification made or any method for classifying them.

2nd Annual Montana Cyber Triathlon

The Montana Cyber Triathlon is a single-day competition open to Montana high school and college students.  The triathlon consists of a digital forensics puzzle, a data analytics puzzle, and a penetration testing puzzle. The goal of the competition is to find a “coin” hidden somewhere on the University of Montana campus. The answers to each of the three parts of the Cyber Triathlon will lead students to the Cyber Coin. The first team to solve all three parts of the Cyber Triathlon and find the Cyber Coin, wins. No technical experience necessary.