UM Shell Eco-Marathon Vehicle Update

Shell Eco-Marathon vehicle on pace for a showing in the Missoula St Patrick's Day Parade.

University of Montana students Caleb Irwin (Energy Tech), Norland "Raphael" Hagen (Physics), Reeve Tinnell (Energy Tech) and Micah Nelson (Energy Tech) pose with "Mountain Magic" which they are preparing for the 2014 Shell Eco-Marathon. 

Seated are Washington Middle School students Luke O'Leary, Clayton Polancheck, and Blake Layton who are testing the ergonomics of the the seat and steering. 

Team members not pictured: Joe Mickels-Silva, Grant Myhre, Andrew Machain, Merrill Bradshaw, Taiga Gamell

Energy Technology Capstone Instructor Bradley Layton hopes to have the vehicle up an running for the 2014 St. Patrick's Day parade.

Missoula College Energy Technology Program seeking additional industry, academic and non-profit partners

Well, if you haven't heard by now Missoula College is part of a recently-formed consortium of two-year colleges in Montana, known as TAACCCT SWAMMI. (Trade Adjustment Act Community College Career Training, Strengthening Workforce Alignment in Montana's Manufacturing and Energy Industries. This was the result of a successful proposal to the Department of Labor.

As part of our commitment to our students, we are seeking additional input from potential industry, academic and non-profit partners. If you or your organization would like to contribute or partner, please contact Bradley Layton or Vida Wilkinson.

CyberSecurity - KPAX Feature

A security training seminar held at UM's Cyber Innovation Lab was recently highlighted in a feature story by KPAX News. Information security is like "a big puzzle and that's essentially what you do with forensics and security is you try and put the pieces together," forensics analyst Dianne Burke explained. Professor Burke is currently leading the course "Securing Desktop and Mobile Devices" a requirement for the professional certificate in Network and Information Security. More details on the feature can be found online from KPAX:

Montana Chapter HIMSS Student Members

The Montana Chapter of Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMMS) is recruiting student members. The prime mission of HIMMS is "to promote networking and educational opportunities to future HIT professionals". HIMMS is currently offering scholarships for student membership. See for details. February 21 is the deadline.